Fiona Gabriela Torres Guislain

At The Capitol Rotunda


Fairfax Choral Society


PVI Choral Concert March 18, 2008




Special Thanks to Blain Brodka, Tatiana & Fiona (The Wild Sisters) We couldn't have done it without you!

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 their students, teachers, alumni and anyone related to the school.

More than 100 years have passed and our school keeps working in the education of thousands of children in Peru. The school was the first school in Peru to connect and produce a Website, with the help of the dedication of their teachers and students. At the same time several people from different proms, like the famous prom. PAX73 have helped educating so many Spanish speaking and non Spanish speaking people around the globe.

With more than 3 classrooms of computer science this schools continues being at the top 10 schools in SouthAmerica.

Each class counts with more than 45 computers. Educational software is the key tool for learning and teaching.

The teachers and educational personnel also count with a tremendous support of hardware and software.

The alumni contributes immensely by donating books, furniture for the classrooms, maintenance around the school, computers, technical support and economical support.

The prom. PAX73, based in Washington DC. has built a Website in the Internet, being the firstone in their class in SouthAmerica. These students are working in trying to incentivate education through the web. One important project is the construction of a page that will have video streaming, putting the school at the cutting edge of technology.

This technology will help in communicating children around the world using this media. Also all those who studied in the school will be able to remember those wonderful days at school, see their teachers, chat with their Principal and participate in traditional ceremonies of the school.